Monday, April 07, 2008


I'll See You on the Internet

I’ve decided to put the internet to work for me, all in one week, as I make my first blog and as I joined Facebook last Friday. I remember the days of Telnet my freshman year of college and the extensive correspondence I shared with all sorts of people. Then, as time passed and my friends and I spread to various corners of the country and globe, what counted as keeping in touch became more and more sporadic—a text message counted for a whole lot.
I live far away (although I’m moving home in July(more details to come)) and lately I’ve felt the need to do more to stay connected. The blog, I guess, satisfies the need to put my voice out there, but I’m hoping the blog-habit will run parallel to healthier expression all around. Facebook, then, is visual. I can see people and they can see me.
I’ve got the world on my lap. It’s time to be more pro-active. Everyone I know seems to be everywhere and anywhere at the same time, with plans changing and alternating destinations. Me too. The internet is global, but it’s also right here in front of us. Sweetly, it’s where we are to each other as well. Let’s talk more often.

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