Thursday, January 12, 2006


Grand Theft Auto: Bucktown

The line between virtual and physical reality blurred a tad more during the ten minute period in which I found myself waiting for a bus on the corner of Western and Milwaukee last night. This solitary and seemingly commonplace action turned into a live-action episode of COPS when screaming police sirens and screeching tires suddenly shattered the normal sounds of the city at night.
In a scene pulled directly from GTA, I looked on in shock and awe as two police cars, one regular and one unmarked, chased an Astro van (a fucking Astro van!) around a cluster of buildings, shaped triangularly by the intersection of Western (running north/south), Armitage (running east-west) and Milwaukee (cutting diagonally across the others). The unmarked car followed tightly behind while the police cruiser tried to get around and cutoff the Astro van, the driver of which must have spent many hours behind the wheel (or the Playstation controller), because this guy had moves: making a quick sliding stop AND then deftly turning an alley when it seemed that he’d been boxed in, edging out the police cruiser around a corner, and leading the two cars in a chase that lasted at least several minutes and that required additional cars called for backup.
I think it goes without saying that the entire affair had ‘botched drug deal’ written all over it.
I'm fortunate that seemingly unconnected events led me to serve witness to it all.

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