Thursday, May 19, 2005


Random thoughts (Or, look at those cavemen go)

People that are too lazy to actually wear a backpack on their back and instead choose to pull it, particularly down crowded city sidewalks, deserve to have the bag ripped from their hands and thrown into traffic. Those who pull their rolling ankle-sprainers with the assumption that others will get out of the way should be publicly flogged.

(Overtly political material here)
All of the mess of the last several years (Bush, Cheney, Iraq, the country going broke, the rise of the militant Christian right, the unchecked expansion of corporate power, state-sponsored raping of the environment, etc) just might be Al Gore’s fault. Sorry to rehash events from 5 years ago but if he’d been able to put together a campaign that included even a shred of passion, relevance, inspiration or any defining characteristics for that matter (Seriously, a lock box?) and used any momentum from the previous 8 years of Clinton’s largely popular presidency, he’d have kicked W’s ass in 2000. It’s just a thought.

The Internet is simultaneously the most amazing and most absurd human invention.

Case for the former:

Case for the latter:

David Bowie rocks. I wish I’d discovered that sooner in life. It’s the same as my having to “figure out” why The Beatles are so good, although that happened several years ago.

The difference between the names of female pop stars and heavily advertised prescription medicines gets slightly smaller every day. For example: Ciara, Celebrex, Nexitrum, and Ashanti. Discuss.

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